The bats, humans, and mice are allies with each other and hate

14 May

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One as a spectator and the other as a participant. Homoerotic Subtext: Yang gets along with Trench much better than Barney’s team, they jokingly hug and cry when Barney calls them out on how flirty they acted with each other. I Have Your Wife: Well, not his wife, but Stonebanks captures Ross’ younger team and sends him a video ultimatum to draw him out. The bats, humans, and mice are allies with each other and hate the rats, who hate just about everyone, but especially the humans and mice. The insects, especially the ants, pretty much hate all the mammals, although the spiders are willing to play both sides, and the cockroaches are considered stupid by just about everyone. Luxa getting over her tendency to hate rats and look down on/dismiss other species is part of her Character Development.

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