And, even though he’s sweet natured, Zooky is sometimes useful

29 Apr

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Small, Annoying Creature: Godzooky; somewhat subverted, as Godzooky was a good 30 feet tall if he was an inch. And, even though he’s sweet natured, Zooky is sometimes useful for intimidating human enemies since, you know, he’s a thirty foot tall flying dinosaur. In addition, if the captain can’t use his signaller, Godzooky can summon Godzilla himself. However, they survive in the next book. Early Installment Weirdness: A LOT. Let’s see > Death acts psychotically, randomly killing people out of spite, unlike his later sympathetic view on humanity, seeing his role as a duty and not being the one who decides who dies and when. Sanity Has Advantages: Insanity may not be exactly the right term. The Ontongard of are Hive Mind aliens that think of themselves on a scale smaller than humans can see; they take multicellular forms but if those are torn apart they form into smaller animals. Ukiah, being descended of a mutant Ontongard who kept individuality, escapes “one” human shaped mass of them by going over a cliff and catching a branch near the edge.

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