It was the point where his only ambition became to get

25 Apr

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Elemental Powers: A power category all of its own, designated by red bands. Blow You Away: Cindy Dunn has the power of aerokinesis (specifically oxikinesis). Green Thumb: Bice Cortadino’s power of spermatophyte manipulation allows her to control any seed bearing plant. Usually they’re playing chess and Stephen uses Look, a Distraction! to switch pieces around, but every so often he’s running a three card monte game instead. In the series finale, Stephen tries to do a “Cheating Death” segment, only for Grimmy to try to kill him during the opening clip. Chekhov’s Gun: An unintentional one in this episode when Stephen forgot about the mousetrap that he had placed on his desk earlier in the show. However, it is played with in that Tribal Porcs still view Strength as Power and are generally below average in intelligence. Our Mermaids Are Different: Mermaids in URealms are undead creatures that feed on life, and curse mortals they feed from into being Ageless. The Owl Knowing One: The Beenu race, who created vast technological marvels and dungeons designed as Amusement Parks.

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